If you would like your team to feature, please get in touch. We would love to hear from a variety of teams, new and old, good and bad!

During the Covid-19 outbreak, we want to keep in touch with our teams, and get to know them even better whilst we’re off the court. In our first episode, who else to speak with than our longest standing team – Groovers.
This Thursday Ladies B team have been playing in Highbury for as long as anyone can remember, and even managed to persuade someone to sponsor them with free chips. If you’ve ever been to one of our Summer Tournaments (or indeed gone for a swim in the Atlantic ocean), you’ll have met a Groover or 2!
This picture is of the mixed team the Groovers entered in the Playnetball Tour to Spain in 2015.
How did the team get together, and how do you all know each other?
A bunch of mates got together, organised by the infamous Sally Haggis, back in 1999 and it grew from there…
How long have you been playing with Playnetball.com?
We were one of the original teams with Playnetball, so however long it’s been going! We would guess at 14 years.
Do you have a favourite umpire, or site manager and if so, why?
We actually love all the umpires and are grateful for their efforts (even when in the moment we don’t agree with their decision!)
Best highlight for the team?
We can’t share that! What goes on tour, stays on tour! But I think our trip to Ireland last year for Ali’s birthday was defo up there for a highlight!
Do you have a particularly funny/ interesting fact or story about Groovers?
For the first 10 years of Groovers we used to be sponsored by the Alwyne and received ‘free chips’ after playing (most of them were eaten by Annie with ‘asbestos fingers’! The team has many of its original players still playing; our ‘extended team’ of past players come on tour with us and join us at our legendary Groovers Christmas do every year.
We always welcome newbs especially if they bring down the total average age which is 44! (Yes I know, it’s hard to believe, since we are all so agile around the court!) We have ‘sister Groover teams’ on both Monday versatility and mixed C.
What advice would you give to a new team or individual that would like to join Playnetball?
Just do it! It’s the best social league going.
Top recommendation in London (apart from Playnetball.com obviously!)
Mercato Metropolitano in Elephant & Castle
Describe your team as a drink…
Sneaky Puff Adder – you’ll have to come to a Playnetball tournament if you want to know the ingredients!
If your team was a film, which film would it be?
Sparticus – don’t ask!
When you’re not playing netball together, what do you do?
Well obvs we drink but we also love a bit of karaoke, building human pyramids and group swimming in the Atlantic ocean, off the coast of Ireland – with or without wetsuits!

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[…] Episode 1 – Groovers […]
[…] Episode 1 – Groovers […]
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