Indoor, 5-a-side netball… Put your versatility to the test!
Every Monday, we run a netball league with a twist…. First of all, it’s only 5-a-side. Secondly, you play indoors without side or back lines. And thirdly, you get to play every position on court! We currently have a number of team and individual spaces in our growing Highbury league.
Indoor 5-a-side netball is fast, fun and frivolous! Fielding a team of just 5 players (think normal netball but without WA and WD), you have to change position after every goal that your team score. This means that you get to play every position throughout the game, multiple times. And don’t worry if you’re not a natural shooter either… the game is played on a mini basketball court complete with backboards, so it’s much easier to score!
It’s perfect for anyone who has a basic knowledge of netball and would like to improve their all-round game.
Register your Interest for Indoor 5-a-side Netball here.
We’re sorry, but at the moment, our Indoor 5-a-side league is ladies only. But we welcome interest from all genders as we look to expand this fun version of netball!
This is how you play:

5-a-side Netball Rules:
The basic idea is the same as regular netball: get the ball through the hoop! Many of the rules are the same as regular netball: obstruction, contact, travelling, offside, replayed ball, etc. but there are a number of fundamental differences…
- There are only 5 players* on court for each team – GS, GA, C, GD, GK.
- Players rotate positions each time their team scores a goal. The GS goes to GA, GA to C, C to GD, GD to GK and GK to GS. The team that has conceded a goal do not rotate.
- It’s played indoors on a half-sized basketball court and the basketball hoop is used to score – yes, you can use the backboard!
- The game is played as two 18 minute halves with a two minute break at half time.
- There are no outs at the end of the court, so the ball can bounce off the walls (although you can’t bounce it to yourself)
- The centre pass must be received in the centre third. After this there is no “over a third” rule
*Substitutes can also be used so that the GK goes to the sub position (off court) and the player who was the sub goes straight into the GS position.
Each player can only go in the same areas of the court as they would expect to if they were playing netball, the centre pass still rotates each time a team scores, three feet is still three feet and three seconds is still three seconds (even if it still feels like less!).