Fee is our Umpires & Site Managers Coordinator.  Fee has been with Playnetball for a while now and is a regular at the courts (and pub!) most Tuesdays and Thursdays.  With an infectious laugh and a killer stare it’s difficult to find anyone that doesn’t want Fee to umpire or play or coach their game.

We asked Fee the questions below and here’s how she responded.

How did you get into umpiring?
I’ve always loved umpiring and learning every area of it..after watching a few games thought I might as well. Plus whenever I trained I’ve always been the one with the whistle..maybe I like been in charge..who really knows..

Do you play netball as well as umpire?
Yep…love it too much to not play..Baller for life. I play for New Cambell Netball Club who are based in Essex, where I play in the Essex Met Division 1 team and England Netball Premier League 1.

Do you play or umpire any other sports?
Nope, as not very coordinated..happy to try..but don’t wanna be he last one to get picked..

Have you always lived in London?
Nope..I am Jamaican by birth and came her when I was the innocent age of 13. As you can figure, I am no longer an Angel..but I still wear a halo..

Where’s a place that you would recommend visiting in London? A bar, restaurant, park etc.
Hmmmm I’m crap at all that stuff..but I love going to Brick Lane…I love food..

What’s your favourite netball position and why?
Favourite…toughie..I’m a GK/GS so all depends..love GS so I can be a bit more cocky..but GK brings out my inner beast..

Wise words that you always live by:
Good, better best, never let it rest, until your good becomes better and you’re better becomes best.

When you’re not working, what do you get up to?
NETBALL of course…closely followed by chilling with friends and NETFLIX, let’s not forget Netflix..😏

Say hi to Fee if you see her at the courts (or pub) and keep a look out for more umpire interviews.