A player is able to receive the ball:

  • With both feet grounded or by jumping to catch the ball and landing on two feet simultaneously. They may then take a step in any direction with one foot (but not both) and pivot on the spot with the other foot. Once one foot is moved, the other is considered to be the landing foot.
  • With one foot grounded or by jumping to catch the ball and landing on one foot. The landing foot cannot be moved, other than to pivot on the spot, whilst the other foot can be moved in any direction. Once the landing foot is lifted, it must not be re-grounded until the ball is released.

A player is not able to hop or to drag the landing foot.
The footwork rule still applies on the centre pass. As soon as the Centre steps into the circle, their leading leg becomes their landing foot and the footwork rule then applies. That is, if they lift or move their landing foot and place it back down again, a free pass will be awarded to the opposing team due to footwork.

Any violations of the footwork rule will lead to a free pass being awarded for the opposing team.